Is a temporary email?

The Temp Mail Detector API reports that is a temporary email provider.

Below you can find a detailed breakdown of the signals which identify this domain as a temporary email provider.

  "domain": "",
  "score": 100,
  "meta": {
    "block_list": true,
    "domain_age": 0,
    "website_resolves": false,
    "accepts_all_addresses": true,
    "valid_email_security": false

Block List

A temp mail block list contains domains associated with temporary email services, often used for spam or fraudulent activities. Domains like are blocked to prevent misuse, as they offer short-lived, disposable email addresses. Being on this list helps protect websites from spam and malicious activities.


Domain age

Domain age can be an important factor as older domains are often seen as more trustworthy and established, which can improve their reputation. is 0 years old which can affect its trustworthiness. Search engines and security systems often view newer domains with suspicion as they are more likely to be used for malicious activities. Older domains generally have a more stable history, making them less likely to be blacklisted.

0 years

Website resolves

Temporary email services often don't need websites, and so they do not resolve to a website. The website does not resolve. This is a strong indicator that this website is used primarily for email purposes and could be a temp mail provider. By using this signal with other heuristics we can get a better idea of whether this website is a temporary email provider.

Doesn't resolve

Accepts all addresses

Accepts All Addresses refers to a mail server configuration where any email sent to an address under a specific domain is accepted, regardless of whether the local part (before the '@') exists. This is common in temporary email services such as with, where users can create random email addresses on the fly.

Accepts all

Valid email security

The domain does not have valid email security configured. This is a strong signal that it is an inbound only email and thus a temp mail provider. As valid security signatures are a requirement for some large email providers, this suggests that the domain only accepts emails.

Stop fraudulent signups