The Temp Mail Detector API reports that is a temporary email provider.
Below you can find a detailed breakdown of the signals which identify this domain as a temporary email provider.
{ "domain": "", "score": 100, "meta": { "block_list": true, "domain_age": 4, "website_resolves": false, "accepts_all_addresses": true, "valid_email_security": false } } has previously been identified as a temporary email provider and is in the Temp Mail Detector block list. has a domain age of 4. As temporary email providers always need fresh domain names, a low domain age is a signal of a temporary email provider. does not resolve. Temporary email providers often don't want their domains to point to their website, as it calls it out as being a temporary email provider. accepts all inbound email addresses. Many temporary email providers let you choose the email, and so must accept all incoming email addresses.
The domain does not have valid email security configured. This is a strong signal that it is an inbound only email and thus a temp mail provider.