The Temp Mail Detector API reports that is a temporary email provider.
Below you can find a detailed breakdown of the signals which identify this domain as a temporary email provider.
{ "domain": "", "score": 100, "meta": { "block_list": true, "domain_age": 4, "website_resolves": true, "accepts_all_addresses": false, "valid_email_security": true } } has previously been identified as a temporary email provider and is in the Temp Mail Detector block list. has a domain age of 4. As temporary email providers always need fresh domain names, a low domain age is a signal of a temporary email provider.
The website resolves. Many temporary email domains often don't point to their website, as it calls it out as being a temporary email provider. does not accept all inbound email addresses. This is a signal that the domain might not be a temporary email provider.
The has valid email security configured. This is a requirement for sending email, which many temp mail providers do not offer.